Friday 5 October 2012

Blogtoberfest #2 - Popular Craft Strawberry Craft Swap

Pre-Craft-Fair-Acceptance, I had signed up for the Strawberry Craft Swap. I came across it when reading Crafty Painter lovely blog post about the Polka Dot Craft Swap and just loved the idea of getting a random parcel of loveliness through the mail.

I decided to make a Strawberry inspired potholder after seeing this image on Pinterest.
Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I made up the pattern and - after boring my work colleague with colour choices -  decided on using Rico Design Cotton Essentials DK which was a bargain from Country Crafts at £1.99 per ball. I do like the sheen and stitch definition of this wool and made it with a 3mm hook.

I also made a small strawberry handwarmer based on this lovely pattern by Rhythm of the Home and bought some lovely green and pink beads from The Bead Shop in Cambridge. The final touch was to hand-stitch a little "hi" card and then wrap it up in some tissue wrapped up in strawberry ribbon.

I had been paired with Jane Cameron and received a lovely notebook wrapped in a painted silk cover and a ribbon brooch card.
(Photos coming soon) 

It really was lovely to get something sent through the post - a real pleasure.

Some of the other blog posts from people who have joined in ...

September Round Up

I genuinely thought I would be able to write more than I actually did in September. When you start a new blog you don't realise how much effort it takes. One of the main problems has been the photographs!

When I look at the blogs I go back to again and again, its the the look and feel of it that keeps me interested. A major part of that is the photography and other visuals. The fact that I have misplaced my camera hasn't helped at all! My poor little mobile phone just isn't up to the task and my photography skills are point, click & hope  ...

In an effort to develop the blogging habit, I have decided to join in with Blogtoberfest 2012 as a way of trying to blog every day. 

You can find the moderator here.  Blogtoberfest 2012 is hosted by I saw you dancing and I just love the concept. It has introduced me to so many new blogs (more later ...) I will fire off several blog posts today to catch up and then stick to the one a day for the rest of the month.

So first off, a quick round-up of September ...

... crochet ...

I'm in a bit of a crochet panic :) ... I signed up for a beautiful local craft fair - The Made-it Market - at the beginning of July but hadn't heard anything so didn't think I had managed to secure a stall!
I was OK with that, I thought I could improve my blog, maybe open an Etsy shop, build up some stock and reapply next year.
Then I got an email to say that I had a space!! GAK?! To say that I have been man.i.a.cally crocheting is an understatement.
This is my first craft fair so, in no particular order, I have also been consumed by: marketing :: stall layout :: labelling and packaging :: costing :: designing :: stock amounts
I am enjoying it ... as long as I don't think about it too much. 
... read...
I really haven't been reading much lately - the Great Crochet Panic means I just don't have time. The last book I did read was for a new book club I have joined called The Cambridge Wine & Dine Club. The book was The Debt to Pleasure by John Lancaster. It really was a chore to read but strangely worth it ... and the discussion made it even more worth while. I will definitely try to attend the November meeting. 
... watched ...
The Hunger Games with the Kid - I was a wreck! 
Jeff Who Lives at Home 
Batten down the hatches for a flurry of posts and i catch up with Blogtoberfest 2012 ...