Wednesday 28 November 2012

What kind of crafter are you? ...

A recent post by Claireabellemakes about what kind of crafter she was set me thinking about why I have started down this journey of blogging about my crochet and even trying to sell my stuff ...

... creativity ...
There is a deep rooted satisfaction that I get from making something with my own hands which almost defies description.
First of all there is the physical aspect of the wool or cotton that you use - I love to feel, stroke and touch my crochet work. I kid you not, I stroke my work on a daily basis. I think it's the joy that I get from the consistency and symmetry of the stitches and the genuine visual pleasure of getting the right combination of colours.
The flip side of this is that I feel so discombobulated when I don't get it right. If I show anyone a design in progress while it is still too "fresh" I can be too easily discouraged. Sometimes that's a little heartbreaking. Which makes me think of this ...
Found on
It recently took me 10 months to give 2 cushions to a friend mainly because they just weren't "right"?! They were pretty and all and I do love them. I was happy with the execution of them ... they just weren't the cushions I had in my head. All that meant was that they sat around my house for a good 2 months before I summoned up the "courage" to give them to my friend. I'm slightly ashamed to admit it wasn't the most gracious of gift giving ceremonies. I genuinely hadn't realised that giving away my "babies" would be so hard!
J's Cushions
The joy, however, when I do get it right is very gratifying. This image makes me very, very happy! It's the wallpaper on my phone and I can't deny I get a ripple of pleasure every time I look at it.
The Made-it Market cushions
 ... meditation ...
Crocheting is my way of practicing mindful meditation. I do it on the bus every morning and most afternoons - I'm not ashamed :)
The dance of the hook as you create is mesmerising. If I'm making an amigurumi, I find myself counting over and over again which is quite soothing in and of itself or if it's someting easy like a granny square, I take the opportunity to ruminate on things that are happening in my life. I find that once I get to the end of a project I have usually made peace with whatever issues are rattling round my brain. 
The image of my Made-it Market cushions constitutes about 75 hours of "therapy" - that would have set me back £3k's worth of counselling at current market rates. 

... social support ...
I am an enthusiastic type. As surprising as it is, people are just not that interested in talking crochet. It really was quite exhilarating to join the CamCity WI and find myself surrounded by a whole load of people who didn't bat an eyelid when I got my crochet out. There is something inherently soothing about being surrounded by your own "tribe". 
So to come back to Claireabellemakes's post - I enjoy crafting alone when I'm coming up with an idea but I really love the support and encouragement you get from surrounding yourself with enthusiastic, creative people.


  1. I am so happy you felt you wanted to write this post! It's good to reflect on our creative processes from time to time. I definitely relate to the therapeutic and meditative qualities of crochet. I must get my in progress blanket out and continue.


    1. One of the best things about all of this is being inspired by the lovely things that others say and do. You're inspiring :)


  2. Beautifully said, Gertie!
    How have you been since Blogtoberfest?
    I just wanted to let you know that I’m hosting another (albeit gentler and more introspective) blog challenge over the month of December called #reverb12.

    Would be so rapt if you joined us!

    There’s a little giveaway too. :-)

    Details here:

    Take care
Kat xxx

    1. Hi Kat,
      Thanks for stopping by. I was maniacally busy preparing for a craft market so neglected Blogtoberfest big time. Still have a whole load of posts that I want to write so was very inspired by it.
      Will pop over and have a look.
